Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Learning Centre For Mild Disabilities Pre Schooler

Leap Program --- a pre-school readiness program (8:30 am to 11:30am, Monday to Friday) for preschooler (4-6 years old) includes:
      Social skills 
      Self help skills
Keiki Brain Works is a learning Centre caters for children who learn differently, are labeled as having “special needs”, although this is not the term used at our learning place.
Keiki Brain Works is led by Claire Ang, a specialist in special education for over ten years. She is a trained psychologist and Kinesiologist who believes “movement is the door to learning”. Hence, the learning curriculum for preschoolers is based on national preschool syllabus incorporate with Brain Gym® activities.

Our Philosophy
We believe that each child has unique needs and potentials. We recognize the importance to use different approaches and methods to draw out their potentials so that they enjoy learning journey.

Our Goal
Our goal is to help your children, our clients to draw out potential and thus learn effectively and at ease.

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